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Ortiz Cigars

The Ortiz Cigars represents four generations of Dominican tobacco experience that has been passed down through the entire family.The Ortiz Cigars strongly believes that their experience in hand-rolling cigars will transcend in their product. Decades of dedication combined with a passion in perfecting their craft will deliver a taste like nothing you've smoked before. Our cigars use a unique blend of Dominican Piloto Cubano (Cuban seed), Honduran, Ecuadorian, and Connecticut tobaccos. Production of our fine cigars are limited to ensure premium quality. Our hand-rolling experience is a family affair. Our motto is God, Family, Cigars! With more than 50 years of experience!

Hire Us For Your Events:

If you're having an event and would like fresh hand-rolled cigars made right in front of you then please email us and we'll give you a quote. Included is a master hand roller and an assistant with the quantity, and cigars of your choice. We do weddings, golf outings, baby showers, meetings etc..  

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